很容易想到DP,$dp_{i,j,k}$表示做到第i个数,前面的or和为j,后面的or和我们希望它是k的情况。但是直接DP的话复杂度太大了接受不了,所以我们把它子集差分一下,$ans_{i,j,k}=\sum_{l\epsilon k}dp_{i,j,l}$
$dp_{i,j,k}->dp_{i+1,j,k \ and \ (not \ a[i])}$
#include<cstdio> #define Rin register int #define mo 1000000007 using namespace std; inline int read(){ int ret=0;char c=getchar(); while((c<'0')||(c>'9'))c=getchar(); while((c>='0')&&(c<='9'))ret=(ret<<1)+(ret<<3)+c-'0',c=getchar(); return ret; } int dp[2][1024][1024]; int n,test; int main(){ n=read(); dp[0][0][0]=1; for(Rin i=0;i<n;i++){ Rin x=1023-read(); for(Rin j=0;j<1024;j++) for(Rin k=j;;(--k)&=j){dp[i&1^1][j][k]=0;if(k==0)break;} for(Rin j=0;j<1024;j++) for(Rin k=j;;(--k)&=j){ if(dp[i&1][j][k]){ dp[i&1^1][j][k]=(dp[i&1^1][j][k]+dp[i&1][j][k])%mo; if((x&j)!=x){ dp[i&1^1][j|x][k^(k&x)]=(dp[i&1^1][j|x][k^(k&x)]+dp[i&1][j][k])%mo; dp[i&1^1][j|x][(k^(k&x))|(x^(x&j))]=(dp[i&1^1][j|x][(k^(k&x))|(x^(x&j))]-dp[i&1][j][k])%mo; } } if(!k)break; } } if(dp[n&1][1023][0]<0)dp[n&1][1023][0]+=mo; printf("%d",dp[n&1][1023][0]); }
2020年2月02日 14:50
2020年2月02日 14:50
2022年8月28日 15:29
Jessore Divisional education board of Bangladesh has successfully conducted the Grade 8th terminal examination tests for both Junior School Certificate & Junior Dakhil Certificate course students at all districts under the division to the academic year of 2022, there are a huge number of students are appeared from all Secondary schools under the board like as previous years, JDC Result jessore and this is most important examination tests for class 8th standard students of the country.Government of Bangladesh, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board has successfully completed the JSC & JDC examinations in the month of November 2022 to all eligible students of the division at all selected examination centers at all rural and urban area schools, both of Junior School Certificate & Junior Dakhil Certificate terminal exams are conducted as per date sheet announced by all education board Bangladesh.
2024年10月18日 23:52